Kundalini Activation Schweiz KA

Coming home to your essence ♡
"the innerdance"
"It feels like a innerdance, where your body is moving to the flow of energy and the vibration of the music. "

Kundalini Activation KA or the innerdance activates your life force energy.
This energy flows through your body to awaken your energetic, emotional and spiritual field and breaks through blockages of fears and emotions that stop you from living your best life.
It reconnects you with your soul and essence.
"It feels like a dance with your soul and with your consciousness, a meditation in motion"

Next Sessions:
Kundalini Activation Schweiz
1:1 sessions
Book your private 1:1 session Online or in Person.
Kundalini Activation KA or the innerdance activates your life force energy.
120 Schweizer FrankenFind back to your essence, release past traumas & energy blockages.
150 Schweizer Franken

Please read the AGB's before booking.
Contradictions: Please check with me before signing up if you have the following:
Cardiovascular disease
psychosis, schizophrenia ..etc
high blood pressure
if you are taking strong medications
heart issues
Please contact priscaspirityoga@gmail.com or / and consult your doctor if you suffer any disease or taking medication to clarify if a Kundalini Activation / Breathwork is beneficial for you.
"The self is the source of healing. The vibration is medicine. The teacher is the experience"
pi villaraza
I feel more energy in the infinite present, after the kundalini session, more sensible and more consciousness in the invisible world around us and more gratitude for all beings here as well as more energy in my left hand.
Ahooooo... Namaste
Joon Nojo Kus
Die Kundalini Activation hat mir sehr gut getan, Ich fühle mich ruhig und voller Zuversicht für meinen Weg.
Diese Session hat mir soooo gut getan. Ich bin dir sehr dankbar, Ich habe neue Energie für die Feiertage bekommen. Ich merke jetzt schon, dass ich eine klarere Sehkraft habe und die Farben viel intensiver wirken.
So eine wundervolle Reise.
I'm feeling good, loads of micro changes happened and I feel a better connection and more feelings. I also sweat a lot during the 2 nights after the activation.
Die Kundalini session hat mich meinen Emotionen & Gefühlen näher gebracht und mir einen bewussteren Zugang/ eine bewusstere Wahrnehmung meiner Emotionen ermöglicht.
Danke liebe Prisca für diese tolle Erfahrung, ich habe mich sehr wohlgefühlt mit dir.
Danke von Herzen für die tolle Erfahrung und deine Begleitung bei der Kundalini Activation! Es hat sich unglaublich viel in mir getan (auf allen Ebenen!).
Ich freue mich jetzt schon auf die nächsten Termine bei dir.
Die Kundalini Activation hat mich gelernt, friedvoller mit mir selbst umgehen zu können und im Bewusstsein zu sein, dieses Gefühl auch beibehalten zu können.
I had kundalini activation with Prisca recently and it was a truly amazing experience. During the session I felt a wave of energy moving all over my body and then the emotions came to me. It was so strong both at the moment of the activation but also after it. My relationship with myself and with the people around me changed drastically. I felt inner peace and nothing could bother me. It was the best gift I could give myself. First time I was driven to join out of curiosity but now I’m looking forward for the next session. Thank you Prisca