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1:1 BREATHWAVE or KA Activation live
Find back to your essence, release past traumas & energy blockages.
2 hr2 hrLocation open
150 Schweizer Franken
CHF 150
Service Description
Profitiere von eine Privaten 1:1 oder auch auf Anfrage Gruppen session in Conscious Connected Breathwork. Anfrage über Whats App oder Email. ... Profit form a private breath work session, fully focused on you! Time 1.5 to 2 hours. in this 1:1 session you will be breathing for 1 hour with my guidance and assitance. I will be using the body map with light touch to help you to get deeper into your process. With integration time. Duration around 1.5 to 2 hours.
Contact Details
+ +41 764589852
Yogahouse Saas-Fee Hohneggweg 69, 3906 Saas-Fee, Switzerland
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